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Orbital: Eye Socket Fracture

Posted on Apr 09, 2014 at

The orbital, also referred to as the eye socket, makes up the bones that surround the eye. This structure is designed to protect the eye itself from injury. When a traumatic force such as that caused by a fist or car accident, an orbital facture may occur. An orbital fracture is also known as a blowout fracture.

How Is An Orbital Fracture Diagnosed?

Dr. Tahernia will first overview the symptoms that you are experiencing and then perform a selection of tests. Most commonly, a CT scan will be taken as this will show the eye socket bones in great detail and help to better define the severity of the fracture. Other tests may include measurements being taken from the eye to the cheek compared with the normal side, a dilated test to look into the back of the eye or the eye may just be looked at closely through the use of a specialized microscope.

Symptoms Of An Orbital Fracture:

  • Double vision
  • Bruising and swelling around the eyelids
  • Numbness in the eyelids and cheeks
  • Bleeding and swelling under the surface of the white part of the eye
  • Eye may appear sunken in
  • Difficulty moving the eye in more than one direction.

Treatment Of Orbital Fractures:

In some cases, repair is not required to correct an orbital fracture. Dr. Tahernia will determine this based on whether the eye appears sunken in, whether a muscle is stuck in the broken bones, how large the fracture is and how severe the double vision is. If repair is necessary, the n surgery will be performed. In the case of a trap door fracture, the injury will need to be repaired right away. For other types of fractures, they can typically be treated within a few weeks.

If surgery is delayed, you will be prescribed a variety of antibiotics to avoid infection and some pain medication to help alleviate discomfort from the injury. Sleeping with your head elevated when sleeping and avoiding physical activity is recommended before surgery.

A small cut will be made in the eyelid skin or the tissue behind the eye to get to the broken bone. It may be the case that parts of the bone actually need to be removed. Dr. Tahernia will then place the tissue and muscles back to their original place and the hole in the bone is covered with a material to help with the repair of the fracture.

Questions or want to talk to Dr. Tahernia?

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