
Disability Benefits for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

  Recent studies found that skin lesions, which are a symptom of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, can very often be contaminated by dangerous bacteria. These pathogens are linked to skin infections and soft tissue infections. According to research recently published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, when researchers studied these lesions,…

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Getting Ready: Lifestyle Changes and Proper Prep Prior to Surgery

  After months, if not years of looking at yourself in the mirror and tugging on that stubborn pocket of fat, or pulling back loose folds of skin, you may finally feel ready to take the plunge into the world of aesthetic plastic surgery. Your first stop in your preparation plan should be to consult…

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The ABCs of Plastic Surgery: Planning for Your Recovery

  In 2013, the number of aesthetic surgical procedures climbed to seven million in the United States, reaching a high not seen since the recession of 2008. Technological advances, less-invasive procedures and greater accessibility are making aesthetic procedures, (surgical and nonsurgical), far more attractive to the public at-large. I spoke with Dr. Michael Edwards, president…

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Local Anesthesia and Plastic Surgery: Marketing or Reality?

  An increasing number of patients ask to have their surgery done with local anesthesia ā€œbecause itā€™s safer.ā€ Guess what? That isnā€™t always the case. Plastic surgery procedures tend to have clever names: Mommy Makeover, Insta-Boob, Cinderella Surgery… but the operative (no pun intended) word here is surgery. All of the above-referenced procedures are invasive;…

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Living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic skin condition. It is characterized by abscesses, blackheads, inflammation, lesions and scarring. HS forms painful clusters around the arm pits, the anal area, and the groin. It occurs in places where sweat glands are present, or other skin-to-skin contact areas such as under the breast or even the folds…

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The Truth About Temporary ‘Vacation Breasts’: How Safe Are They?

Breast enhancements are one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States, but now women won’t even have to go under the knife to go up a cup size. New York plastic surgeon Norman Rowe has developed temporary “vacation breasts,” which can make breasts feel fuller for up to a few weeks. Rowe’s…

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Post-Holiday Cosmetic Surgery: 10 Do’s and Don’ts

  The holidays are coming to an end and many of us ate too much, partied a lot, and didn’t work out enough. The New Year brings a long winter to many parts of the country, and post-holiday blues everywhere. This time of year gets busy in many plastic surgeons’ offices as people try to…

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Can We Love Our Bruises, Stretch Marks And Scars?

    The map of my body is not airbrushed. The landscape shows evidence of growth and occasional clumsiness. The careful gaze from a scrupulous eye would notice my bruises, stretch marks and scars. Some of these findings seem to come and go. Others are landmarks which have been there since puberty or before. The…

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6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Having Plastic Surgery

  From breast implants to nose jobs to liposuction, millions of people are opting for cosmetic surgery. Before you go under the knife, Dr. Phil suggests that you consider the following questions: 1. Do the positive possible medical advantages exceed the possible complications? All medical procedures have the potential for serious complications. You should obtain…

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Plastic surgery addiction: How common is it?

While there are some people who find the results of aesthetic procedures addicting, others only undergo one or two procedures to improve their appearance.   News headlines that highlight extreme surgically enhanced physical transformations and certain celebrities can make plastic surgery addiction seem like a common phenomenon. However, it may not be as frequent as…

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