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Masked Myths of Gynecomastia

Posted on Apr 12, 2014 at

Make no mistake about it, In today’s society, men care just as much about their appearance as women do. When men look at themselves in the mirror and see a chest that resembles female breasts, they panic. They are not losing their masculinity, nor their identity as a male, it is simply a condition known as Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia is common and often embarrassing for men to live with. It is a condition that presents in men as excess fat tissue in their breasts. The excess tissue makes their breasts appear larger and unnatural for a male. Fortunately, advances in medical surgery make it possible for men to achieve a normal-looking chest through male breast reduction surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery may involve the use of liposuction and can be used in conjunction with breast tissue removal. After a thorough physical examination and discussion with the patient, Dr. Tahernia advises the patient on the best form of treatment to achieve the desired results. If liposuction will be used then Dr. Tahernia will make a small incision that is hidden in the lower crease of the breast and insert a cannula instrument to remove the fat. The surgeon may also decide to remove breast tissue and skin removal to tighten the chest.

There are many myths men should consider when learning about gynecomastia and how it affects their body. Men try to hide the symptoms of gynecomastia and search for ways to reduce its effects. The following are common myths of gynecomastia:


Men of all sizes experience gynecomastia and it does not matter if the person has a large, full figure. The hormones in the male body are affected by an imbalance causing glandular tissue in the breast to grow similar to a woman’s.


This actually makes the effects of gynecomastia worse. Even when men are presently using them to increase muscle tone, after coming off the drugs the testosterone levels fluctuate and the body’s estrogen increases causing chest fat to develop. Avoid steroids to help reduce gynecomastia.


False. The effects of the disorder are associated to excess fatty tissue, focusing energy on chest exercises will make matters worse. Targeting the chest is good for muscle tone, but to reduce body fat aerobic exercises such as walking, running, cycling and swimming trim body fat. Along with a balanced diet, the effects of aerobics can reduce excess fat, and is overall good for the body.


Obesity and being overweight can be passed down, but genetics do not play a solo role in male breast development. Men might be thin and still have large breasts, and it may be linked to marijuana use, unhealthy lifestyle and steroid use.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, gynecomastia is common in men of any age. It can be a result of heredity conditions, hormonal changes, disease and use of certain drugs. Excess fat and excess glandular tissue development can occur in one or both breasts.


Most advertisers will claim that by taking hormone supplements the size of male breasts will shrink. Hormone pills alone will not reduce them completely. Doctors may prescribe hormones, but without a specific diet and exercise program the breasts may just stay the same.


There is more to do than surgically removing the fat, but Dr. Tahernia will advise the best treatment plans before resorting to surgery. He analyzes the upper body and medical history. The condition could stem from certain ingredients that are mixed in medications, and effects of gynecomastia may be reversed simply by reducing or avoiding medications.

Male breasts may be reduced through a combination of diet, exercise, hormonal therapy and nutritional supplements.

If you are a male who has larger breasts than you actually should have, male breast reduction may be the right choice for your body. Dr. Tahernia will examine the upper body and determine what is causing your breasts to become larger than usual. Do not be too quick to resorting to these myths as they may not have any effect or may make your breasts larger. Make your appointment today and you can achieve the flat and smooth chest that you desire.

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